Waterfowl Live Eyes - Taxidermy By
These eyes are cast from polyester resins and are very similar to acrylic eyes. You can use most organic solvents such as mineral spirits (DO NOT USE ACETONE) or wooden tools on them. You can also use them to 130° Celsius (about 260°F) for 30 minutes. The eyes are UV stabilized and can withstand sunlight for decades.
Waterfowl Live Eye available options:
- GE9MM: Goldeneye 9mm
- GS9MM: Greater Scaup 9mm
- LS9MM: Lesser Scaup / Old Squaw 9mm
- MG8MM: Merganser 8mm
- PH10MM: Pheasant 10mm
- PH210MM: Pheasant-2 10mm
- RD9MM: Redhead 9mm
- RN8MM: Ring-Neck 8mm
- SS9MM: Surf Scoter 9mm
- WD10MM: Wood Duck 10mm
- WD210MM: Wood Duck-2 10mm
More info
Taxidermy By bird eyes are often called the most realistic taxidermy eyes on the market today. They copy color patterns directly from photos of actual bird eyes and digitally print them on their eyes. Taxidermy By eyes are competition quality at an affordable price.